Adams County Speedway
2024 Tradition Entry Forms Open Now
The 27th Annual NAPA Auto Parts Tradition registration is now available. Click on the link below to register now. Deadline to pre-enter is August 20th. Late fee is $25.
Weekend entries:
Compacts, modifieds, and sport mods will run complete shows on both nights.
Compacts - Free
Modifieds - $40
Sport Mods - $40
Hobbies and stock cars will run dual qualifying heats on Friday with the big show on Saturday. Stock cars are $4,083 to-win and $300 to-start. Hobby stocks are racing for $2,012 to-win and $170 to-start
Stock Cars - $100
Hobby Stocks - $50
Concrete pads are $20. Dirt Pads are free.
Compacts entering for the weekend or any drivers wanting to park in the dirt. Please still fill out the registration form so we can have an idea of car count and how to best arrange parking. Thank you.
Submitted By: Drei Hampel